The Persecution Of UK Motorists

Are UK Motorists The Most Persecuted Drivers On Earth?

For more than two decades, UK motorists have faced a growing threat to their driving licences in the name of road safety. The big issue however is that during that period and in light of the growing number of fixed speed camera, constant speed monitoring zones, 20 mph areas, mobile camera vans etc. the number of annual fatalities on our roads has remained comparatively static.

The introduction of speed cameras seems to have the effect of moving accidents to other sections of road which aren’t policed by cameras.

While reducing the accidents at current accident black spots, the end result is that drivers adjust their habits, choosing instead to ‘enjoy’ roads with no cameras, leading to the creation of new blackspots.

Police Numbers Reduced

Real policemen in police cars have a positive effect on drivers and are the only effective way to stop motorists from driving drunk, driving after using drugs, using their mobile phones, or even not wearing a seatbelt.

It is the case at present that roadside cameras are raising massive revenues controlling your speed, while it is perfectly feasible for a drive obeying the speed limit to be uninsured, with bald tyres, no MOT, drunk, with no seatbelt, eating a sandwich while talking on the phone and he (or she) won’t face censure.

This of course doesn’t mean that you won’t ever get caught for any of these offences and when you do, the complexities of UK traffic law make defending yourself increasingly difficult. Expert advice and representation is available from leading specialist motoring lawyers Patterson Law who only defend motorists, making them highly skilled in successfully defending motorists licences.

Traffic officers

In recent years there has also been a huge growth in the number of Traffic Officers on our roads. You will see them on motorways far more often that you will see a police car.

Traffic officers have very few powers compared to police officers and are generally treated as such by road users once they realise that it isn’t a ‘real police car’ they have caught up with.

Traffic officers patrol our motorways, pretending to be policemen having the effect of slowing traffic a little.

Personally I would rather see one police car being used 24 hours a day than 10 traffic officers. It can’t be that much cheaper to employ non policemen in preference to qualified officers?